And they do it again. 'Tokidoki' does it again with yet another line of collectible goodies, this time around found at-- Sephora.
All you Sephora-ites slash make-up collectors should add this to the list of to-buys. Super cute novelties.

For those of you that don't follow this street graphic phenomenon. Tokidoki has numerous ridic collabos under their belt:
Tokidoki for
LeSportsac (possibly their most well known collaboration)

Let's be real. The fob graphics come across a lot more chic than you would expect. And not going to lie, definitely guilt of owning more than one of these pieces.
Tokidoki for
Should almost be instinct to be merging statement headphone to statement graphics... IIIII WANNNTTT.
Tokidoki for
Fujitsu Netbooks
Tokidoki x
Hello Kitty Tokidoki x
Marvel Comics

Tell me who needs a size sticker when you got instead Ironman chillin' on the underside of yo hat?
Tokidoki for
Tokidoki x
USB keys, of course comes in all various sizes. Your insufficient 1gb up to 8gb (I believe...)
- - -
...and my personal fave...
* * *

...and if you somehow don't know who he is...
just kill yourself (or click
Basically, in my opinion, epitome of a smart graphic brand. Versatile, distinct and playful.
When you have your token style and your token base. Everything is a matter of continuing and being flexible.