Friday, November 23, 2012

thousands of balloons.

I still remember when I watched 'Patch Adams' for the first time
and how mesmerized I was at the balloon scene. 

Needless to say that until this very day
I'm awaiting for some sort of chance to encounter
such a magical quirky space... 

AKA. i need to get my ass HERE.

It's insane to think that these simple latex inflatables 
can create such a dreamy, quirky and magical atmosphere.
(totally doing this for my wedding or something)
This is installation is a maze of white balloons
differing in opacity and in sizes... 
so simple but so ridiculously BREATH TAKING

If I was lucky enough to end up in a space like this, 
I'd be sure to frolic... then maybe do a few failed ballet movements too. 
The artist's intention was to not only have you be able to soak in the 
quirky fantastic nature of the balloon themselves 
but to also move around in the quirky fantastic nature 
that the balloons themselves pretty much choreograph.

'Scattered Crowds'
by: William Forsythe


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