Tuesday, November 9, 2010

water stain my world.

For all of us graphic keeners (holla!), we know that the essence of a good
layout lies in the hands of a good photo.

Of course, with the lack of time and traveling abilities, we give this important
job of photographer to the contributors to the world wide web.

Photo hosting sites such as Flickr, Corbis, Stockimages and such really
do help us cut corners when looking for that ideal picture of an ancient ruin.

Regardless, the stupid ugly annoying watermarks
(that only selfish people place on their photos *humph*)
on the photos always mean that my BFF, Photoshop, gots to work its magic.

Playing off that watermark idea, 'Getty Images' launched a campaign by
placing glass signage of their logo at various international landmarks.

Their "watermark" conveys that their images are, well, crystal clear.


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