Wednesday, October 13, 2010

alternative intake.

Being Asian I'm not usually shocked by the random chip
flavours of the world. Having been brought up in a world
where 'Calbee' basically offers anything of your dreams:
(pizza..with real cheese bits, grilled corn wasabi, curry...., tako)

I was pretty convinced that I was quite steeped culture and knowledge
of the junk food aisle of the supermarkets...

*dun dun dun*

...I found these little treasures in the cupboard.
TRUST. It legitly tastes like a 'McDees Cheeseburger'

So on that note, I went on a rampage to see what other fruity things (pun!)
they have out there in those unexplored aisles....

(Lichi, Kiwi, Mango, Blueberry, Pomegranate)
Mostly likely won't contribute to your fruits and veggie intake.
But, even if it did, I'm not sure how I feel about it...
Let's be real lamb sounds pretty darn good though....mmmMMMmmm.
Slash, LOVE the fake 'Lays'


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