Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"like an unsupervised 10 year old child"

... direct quote from Laura, describing Fils eating habits.
(still unsure why that kid ain't dead from a heart attack or obese yet)

I've been trying to eat better.

After all that's the only other way aside from over caffeination
to maintain energy level needed to tackle the death called IRN.

In an attempt to do so, I went for some grocery shopping after
a "reviting" revit session (ha. i'm sooooo funny.)

I came home with this:
... I think I need to start buying real food.
(shout out to finding Pork Rinds... mmmmMMMmmm)


Rationale for the 2 desserts: I saw the real fruit bars on sale for 3.99 (C'MON!)
Typically I'm satisfied with one treat in the cart.
I passed by the "Green Tea & Vanilla Honey" Haagendaz @ $3.33.
Plus there's a story attached...

Soooooo, the last time Vee & I went to Metro we spotted the GT
icecream also on sale (for 3.99 though)
I got super excited and screamed,

In a split second a
HUGEEEEE football physiqued man
stand at the cash point yelled back,
"OMG! WHERE?!?!", booked it, & snatched it outta my reach.

...buying the ice cream was, in a way, a small victory against him
in my books.

- - -
But, regardless, I do need to eat better.
I came home, sat down at my desk & all i see is...
I think I need to be supervised.

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