Monday, October 25, 2010

from my vantage point.

My view for the past 18+ hrs:
2 midterms + 1 project = mok sprawled across 3 drafting tables.
note: study time necessities -- Elisa Frangella <3... and slappy... & maybe Carly Beth

What will be my view for the next....
...until Thursday
the constant variable for the next few days : the S-bucks
the changing element: the mother load of trace on this desk
(ideally, I would want an explosionnnnn)

I would say I'm generally pretty bad admitted and confronting my fears...
...this Thursday though, I'm taking them head on.


[x] get attacked by POL128
[x] then bullied by MUS501
[x] moral debate about IRN attendence
[x] went to Starbucks & accidentally ordered 2 drinks
[x] only paid for one of them
[x] got REAL excited for the free coffee (days lookin' up!)
[x] went home to realize "free" coffee was not free.
.. just punked some poor lady's Starbucks by accident.
[x] blogged about it all... aka procrastination.

[ ] get work done.

1 comment:

  1. Mok I sat in the same spot, hidden away in my room in front of my computer since 9:30 this morning!!! MY butt is in pain.


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