Friday, June 4, 2010


"If you're not already familiar with the term "grinding,"
it is when a bunch of kids stand in a line, closer to one another than they would be on a class field trip, and grope like there is no tomorrow,
while adult chaperones stand nearby in a panic about the youth of today.

Usually reserved for the Cool Kids (or so I'm told,) last night it defied the politics of lunch table seating arrangements, making the lyric "this is why I'm hot" seem less timely than an all-inclusive "This is why WE'RE ALL HOT! Yay team!" The argyle sweater vest-sporters grinded with the girls in Pink perfume.

Girls who won Most Likely to be a Philanthropist grinded with the dudes who felt so passionately about the Cubs vs. Sox debate.

It was a moment of unity, of disposal of the social structure we'd know for three years,


- Tavi (the super young fashion blog sensation,
puts my achievments in the blogosphere to shame)

Oh. How I miss junior high.


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