Monday, June 14, 2010

W.o.W. (& yes i mean World of Warcraft).

Although I still have my reserves on this mind sucking game... the skills that THIS one child absorbed is soooo much more than those of you that sit and watch youtube videos of people playing this game.

Norwegan kid, Hans + his sister trespassed on a moose's territory and angered it walk in a forest near their home. The pissed moose started to attack them and thanks to playing the mmorpg World of Warcraft he knw the first to do was to 'TAUNT' the animal so that it would go after him and leave his sister alone and have her run to safety. (For those of us who are NOT nerds. 'Taunting' is a move in WOW that gets the monsters off the less armored teammates)

Now that the moose was even more cheesed, it started to go after Hans. This is when Level 30 of WOW kicked in-- he pretended to dead. (what a kid. *applause*) The moose soon lost interested in the "lifeless" boy and wandered back into the woods.

Hans + sister went home and told this WOW survival tale.
True Story.


(can't believe I just blogged about Warcraft)


  1. I can bet you he played a hunter. Distracting shot to draw aggro and then feign death to lose aggro. World of Warcraft 101. DUH.

  2. Actually, what you forgot to mention is that he probably kited the moose until his sister was out of aggro range and THEN used feign death so that both of them would be safe.

    Yeah...I went there.


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